All In, All Abilities

On December 11, 2017, our school had our first FUTP 60 Kickoff event of the year. We organized a volleyball tournament for 200 Freshmen students. We implemented the Physical Activity Play, “All In, All Abilities – Activate Your School!” at our event. This event increased our school’s team spirit and encouraged students to be more physically active in school and at home.

My role was to put the whole event together, such as completing all formalities to get our event approved and taking care of the tournament logistics. Then, I also led the event on December 11th by talking to all the students about what FUTP 60 is, my journey with FUTP 60, and about our new health and wellness club that we’re starting.

After that, we kicked off the volleyball tournament! We gave out prizes to all teams, which was official FUTP 60 gear given to us by the Dairy Council, American Dairy Association North East (ADANE). We also got about 15 new students to join our club and we’ll be having our first club meeting on Wednesday, December 20, 2017. Overall, our first kick-off event of the year was a huge success!


New Jersey
9th Grade

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