The blog is a safe zone for everyone! Being a good team member and leader means treating others with respect. All comments on this blog will be reviewed and approved by an FUTP 60 team member, and any that are considered mean, rude or bullying of any kind will not be permitted. We reserve the right to remove any offensive or inappropriate comments.

Please also remember to think about the information you share before you post! Avoid posting anything with your full name, address, phone number or school. For example, when leaving a comment, you can use your first name or a nickname instead of your full name. Remember never to ask anyone else for their personal information and never agree to or ask someone to meet offline.

All student writers must have a permission form signed by a parent or guardian before their posts can be shared. If you’d like to write for the blog, please email and request a form. Similar to our commenting guidelines, the FUTP 60 team will review all submitted posts and reserves the right to edit posts as needed for clarity or accuracy. They may also offer feedback or decline to put up posts if they are inappropriate or not relevant to FUTP 60.

We look forward to hearing what you have to say! Email if you have any questions.