Making Healthy Changes

FUTP 60 in Our School

Our school highly supports Fuel Up to Play 60 and they do so because it helps and encourages kids to eat healthy and be active! We started our Play 60 program this year with a great Kickoff during Open House...

My Summit Experience

Hi, I want to tell you about my 2017 Fuel Up to Play 60 Summit experience! I was very nervous about the whole process, being away from my family, and being in a completely different state with a bunch of new pe...

Revolutionizing School Meals

If you ask most people in America about cafeteria food they will probably think of something along the lines of long lines where mean old lunch ladies plop some rock-hard meat loaf and mushy goop on your tray t...

FUTP 60 Days

At my school in Wisconsin, my Fuel Up to Play 60 team has created half days dedicated only to Fuel Up to Play 60 activities. These days are beneficial not only to our Fuel Up to Play 60 team and program, but ar...

Winter Activities

My name is Kaylynn and my Huddle post is about indoor activities. I am here to tell you how kids can be active during the winter. Some kids like to stay inside, sit on the couch and be lazy during the winter be...

Freezing Fresh Produce

If you are from the Midwest like me, you share in the struggle of not being able to have a garden for about six long months out of the year due to the cold winter weather! But I’m here to share just a few ways ...