Hi, I want to tell you about my 2017 Fuel Up to Play 60 Summit experience! I was very nervous about the whole process, being away from my family, and being in a completely different state with a bunch of new people!  All of us were staying in dorm rooms, and with a person we didn’t even know! I was kinda skeptical about this as well, but in the end it was so much fun! We had some time to set up our rooms and meet our roommates. I brought a gift for my roommate, because I wanted her to feel welcome.

Soon after that we were all transported to the US Bank Stadium! I was really anxious about this not knowing what to expect.  I didn’t need to worry, it turned out to be so fun! We got to run down the tunnel where the Viking football teams runs into the game!  The Kickoff Extravaganza was amazing! I was so overwhelmed but in love at the same time! I got so excited for the rest of the week’s events I almost forgot I missed home. The food was super yummy! For me this was the best FUTP 60 Kickoff EVER!

The second day we split up and went on 3 different field trips. I went to the Answer Plot. We talked about seeds and what products they use to help keep the plants healthy. They also had tractors we got to go and see inside of! Then they talked about their crops and how they test the dirt and pollen collection. It was a great experience.

On Wednesday, we got to meet U.S. Olympic Gold Medalist, Maddie Bowman! I got my picture taken with her!  Later that day we had the Pizza Cook Off!  Who doesn’t love pizza?  My team and I made the Aloha Pizza. It was delicious! Then late that night we had an Ice Cream Social! I had so much fun doing that! The ice cream was so good!

The last day we headed off to the Field House. The best time was playing FLAG football with NFL Alumni player Jerome Bettis. After playing with Jerome, we did our Playbook Gauntlets that we made the day before! Those were a lot of fun. Afterwards we had lunch and an AMAZING closing celebration! I made a lot of new friends, which helped my overall Summit experience. We had so many fun activities, and each day I was excited to learn! I encourage others to go and stay active with Fuel Up to Play 60!


7th Grade

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