My experience at the Summit was most definitely unforgettable. Not only did I develop skills to take back to my school but, I also developed great bonds with new people, which is highly unusual for me. What I like to refer to as “my bubble”, or my comfort zone, is extremely small. I don’t go out of my way to say hi to people, much less friend them. For some reason or another I’m not confident in doing that. I like staying inside my tiny bubble and not pushing its boundaries. The Summit, however, popped my bubble. As we moved through our first day, I felt homesick and really wanted to leave. After getting through some icebreakers and activities, I realized these people were just like me. I woke up the second day thinking, “Is there a way I never have to leave”? My friends at the summit were the ones who taught me that most people are like me. Now, when I want to let my bubble shrink again, I think about my summit experience and how others are just like me. SO, thanks to those on my team and my team leader for breaking me out. I look forward to seeing what next summer brings!
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