It’s officially summer! If you are finishing out your school year soon, make sure you finish strong! I am guessing everyone has been active and eating right during school, but the real question is, how will you stay healthy in summer?

There are many different ways to stay healthy in summer. Summer is known for many different sports such as baseball and golf. An average golf course is about 4 miles long if you play 18 holes. That’s over an hour of physical activity already (unless you are a fast walker)! Just 7 innings of baseball can be a lot of running whether it’s fielding a ground ball or running the bases after you hit a dinger!

Not only is physical education a key part to staying healthy in summer, but nutrition is also a huge part of it too. If you don’t stay hydrated, that hot summer sun could make you drowsy and you could end up passing out- so be sure to stay hydrated! With gardens in full bloom, eating plenty of fruits and veggies is easy! Or you can go to your local Farmer’s Market to get yummy summer foods like as watermelon, pineapple, or broccoli. Water, fruits, and veggies are all key parts of staying healthy in summer. And don’t forget your dairy!

Getting outside rather than being on the computer or your phone is a great way to enjoy summer. And remember, make sure when you’re soaking up that beautiful weather, you are kind to your body as well. Wear your sunscreen and reapply it every 2 hours. The last thing I would suggest is to get enough sleep so you are fully rested for the next day to do all of this great healthy stuff again!

Have a healthy summer!

Summit Ambassador
8th Grade

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