“My New Year’s Resolution is this: I want to have our most successful Student Ambassador Summit yet, this summer. I want to fully establish our Youth Council’s role of central leadership of the FUTP 60 program. Lastly, I hope to discover a way to support and fuel the program while in college, continuing to spread its message wherever I can.” – Kaylene, 12th Grade
“I think as a New Year rolls around, we are all motivated and ready to set new goals and make New Year’s Resolutions…that is the easy part. The hard part is sticking to those goals and making them happen. My advice to you this year would be a quote that I saw the other day: “Be STRONGER than your strongest excuse!”
Don’t let excuses steal your success! Think positive! Be Positive! You CAN do great things! If you have a setback in your personal goals or your FUTP60 goals, it’s okay! Just get back up and show your setbacks what you are made of. Be strong! Best Wishes for a happy, healthy 2016!” – Hunter, 12th Grade
“My hope for the new year is to have the more Ambassadors at the next Summit than ever! I also hope that we have lots of new students and schools that get very involved in the upcoming year.” – Rylie, 11th Grade
“Happy Holidays everyone! This is one of the best times of the year, at least in my opinion, but….also one of the most unhealthy! Eeek! As a Fuel Up to Play 60 Youth Council member, I try my best to keep my life as happy and healthy as it can be, and I have many ways of doing so! Something I do every year is make a New Year’s Resolution, in other words a goal I’d like to reach, or a change for the better in my life. I’m sure many of you do this as well, and it can truly be an awesome motivation for yourself! This year my goal is, like I said, Healthy & Happy. I’m going to do all I can to initiate a healthy diet and more physical activity, in not just me, but my community, family, friends, and peers. I can promote our website and use the many tools I’ve obtained over my years with the program. Now to further the “happy” part of my resolution, despite living a healthy lifestyle, being happy on the inside is a very important thing, and lately I’ve seen a lot of sadness around me, and I want to do all I can to brighten everyone’s day. A friend once told me; be the reason behind someone’s smile everyday, and it will do the same for you. Kindness is so simple, yet we’re faced with such negativity in our society, that sometimes we all get a little droopy. Take the opportunity to help someone, offer a compliment, be the friend you’d want to have. Anyway, that’s about it for my New Year’s resolution, I encourage you to do the same, and I hope you all have a merry and bright holiday season!” – Grace, 9th Grade
“My New Year’s Resolution is to continue to work hard in everything that I do and continue to empower my peers and people around me. In the year of 2016, I also want to start saving. I plan to start taking $5 out of my bi-weekly allowance and transferring it to my bank account. For the Fuel Up to Play 60 Ambassadors, I wish and hope that you continue to diligently work on making your FUTP 60 program at your schools the best it can be and motivate others to get active and eat healthy!” – Lauryn, 10th Grade
“With a new year comes many new year resolutions. In reality, every day is an opportunity to make a resolution. At the Summit everyone, no matter Ambassador or Program Advisor, gained drive and motivation to make their FUTP 60 program better than it already is. Around now is the time when school is getting harder and the memories of the Summit take a back seat. With that, continue to let FUTP 60 inspire you everyday, and take every opportunity to put it back in the front seat.” – Austin, 10th Grade
“My wish for Ambassadors is that you all continue to be great leaders for your schools and continue to find success with your Fuel Up to Play 60 programs. My resolution is to continue to strengthen my communication skills as that is a vital part to being a great leader.” – Abby, 10th Grade
“Happy New Year Student Ambassadors! My wish for all of you is that you have a very productive year. If you think a big New Year’s Resolution may be challenging, I suggest you make monthly resolutions for your Play 60 team! Whether that’s committing to do a play every week for a month, or just focusing on one specific Play for the month depends on you! This can be a fun and neat way to organize your team! Happy New Year Ambassadors, and I hope to see many of you this summer in Indianapolis!” – Jaclyn, 10th Grade
“Get out your pens, notebooks and most importantly, your thinking caps! The New Year is approaching at monstrous speeds yet again. This time though-you’re going to be prepared to tackle everything that comes along. My wish for all of you in 2016 is to go bigger, be bolder, and get better…EVERY DAY. Now I can see how that may come as a daunting task, so I want you all to be properly equipped to make all those things happen. My piece of advice to all of you is to make what I call, “A Declaration of Intention”. Simply conjure up all the goals you have for yourself in the year of 2016 and write them down, even check them off one by one as you complete them! Nothing is scarier than going into a clean slate year with absolutely no idea how to go about succeeding in it! You all did some remarkable things in 2015, so impress me, AGAIN! I love reading and seeing all of your endeavors. You are all truly some of the most impressive people I know-and even those of you that I don’t know continue to impress me through HUDDLE posts! It is the beginning of your own 365 page book, write a good one. Believe you can and you’re halfway there!” – Avery, 10th Grade
Austin was my youth council leader for the summit in Indiana he inspired everyone on our team to be there best he was also helpful, kind and many more things. i wish that i will have him as my youth councilor next summit miss you Austin See you next year.
Wisconsin Student Ambassador