This summer, between my sister and me, we were able to show 22 vegetables in our local County Fair. We grow these veggies in our garden and enjoy educating the community about them. We use the County Fair as a platform to do just that.
Each winter with my grandma’s help, we begin looking through seed catalogs and planning for our spring planting. We enjoy looking for unique veggies. This year we had these really cool purple pea pods. As you can see in the photo, when you open the pods, the actual peas are green like normal. We also grew some rattlesnake beans which are green with pink striping and dragons tongue beans which are yellow with purple stripes. When cooked, they each lose their striping and they taste just as delicious as regular looking beans.
For the fifth year in a row, my grandma and I also entered a “veggie creature” in the fair which was a conglomeration of several veggies as shown in the photo. This was also a fun way to catch the public’s eye and show people what you can all grow yourself.
We end up with a lot of excess in our garden, so whatever we can’t eat, we either donate to the local food pantry, freeze, or can. Freezing and canning is actually pretty quick and easy and it’s definitely worth doing so you can enjoy those tasty garden veggies all year long!
10th Grade
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