Speaking at the American Jersey Cattle Association Annual Meeting

A few months ago, I got an email from Fuel Up to Play 60 asking if I could give a speech at the Annual Meeting for the American Jersey Cattle Association – in San Diego, CA! It just so happened that I was already in San Diego at the time, so at the end of my trip I was dropped off at the Sheraton Hotel. Very fancy (but that’s not the point).

I met with a few of the people I had communicated with beforehand: Nancy Sandbach, the Vice President of FUTP 60, Alyssa McClelland from the California Milk Advisory Board and Stan Erwine, Vice President of Farmer Relations at Dairy Management Inc. We talked through the plan for the next day when I would actually be giving the speech, and then I was actually able to take part in some sessions. There was one on social media that I found especially helpful. I was also invited to dinner with the other Alyssa and Nancy at a Mexican Seafood Restaurant, something I didn’t know existed! That was the end of the first day, as we had to get up pretty early for breakfast and my presentation.

It was a dairy event, so I was presenting to mainly Dairy Farmers. I talked about my experience with the program as well as the difference it’s made in my school district. There were actually some other students there, and they had prepared a physical activity with Roger Craig (A former 49ers legend) and Josh Lambo (the current Chargers kicker). I was considered one of four coaches during this time, so I caught the ball after each student ran the course and gave it to Josh Lambo, and once I even held it when he kicked it! (…I didn’t tell you, but it was actually twice!) I got pictures and some autographed stuff with them, but then it was time to go.

It was a lot of fun, and I’m glad I was offered that opportunity!

Arizona State Ambassador
8th Grade

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