2019 Cooper Institute Legacy Award Video and Dinner

Remember all those fun programs we did in elementary school that got us active like Jump Rope for Heart, the annual Walk-A-Thons and the FitnessGram? Have you ever wondered who was behind those?

I was always interested in the dedicated professionals who made the fun activities possible. Recently, I got an inside look at the people who work hard to make those available for us! It started when I got the chance to be involved in the 2019 Cooper Institute Legacy Award Video and Dinner honoring the NFL Foundation. What is the Cooper Institute? Well, you remember doing the FitnessGram tests like push-ups, curl-ups and the pacer test, right? Well it’s the people behind those!

Meeting Dr. Kenneth Cooper, the father of aerobics, was an absolute inspiration! There are some people who radiate wisdom and knowledge, and Dr. Cooper is definitely one of them!!! He had all of these interesting stories about his journey in proving to the world just how beneficial it is to be active. Dr. Cooper has canvassed the world about the benefits of aerobics and even helped train the Brazilian soccer team which led to a win at the FIFA World Cup in 1970. Over there, running is called “Doing the Cooper”! He developed the FitnessGram tests and the Walk-A-Thon to motivate people to get active and stay healthy!

I got the chance to meet the people working at the Cooper Institute and wow, I felt right at home with everyone; they were the kindest people I have ever met and were an amazing family of hard workers.

The Cooper Institute 2019 Legacy Dinner Award Ceremony took place in Dallas, TX, at the Belo Mansion where there was also a press conference that I was able to be part of! Sitting alongside inspirational role models like former Cowboys QB, Roger Staubach; Dr. Cooper; former astronaut, Charles Duke and even the mayor of Dallas was a nerve-wracking experience but so eye-opening! Hearing these mentors speak so passionately about public health truly motivated me to work hard towards making a positive influence in my community. Although I was nervous for my speaking role, I trusted myself and let my passion for health take over.

Maintaining our health is imperative to our success because with a healthy body and mind, we can accomplish anything.

Live Well into the Future!

Youth Council
11th Grade