A Few Words about a Healthier School Lunch

I love food. My taste usually puts me in the mood for eating fruits and veggies instead of unhealthy options, and I’m fortunate that the food I enjoy is nutritious.

I know that not everyone shares my love for healthy eating, but I think this pizza recipe I helped make with its healthy elements such as spinach, tomatoes, green peppers, and a whole grain crust is a positive change that I’m excited to share with the students in our district. Healthy eating has been a big part of my life, and I’m grateful that Fuel Up to Play 60 has helped me share it and have an active lifestyle.

This pizza creation has been an exciting process. The first step was to do a school-wide survey at our school. In the survey we asked about students’ favorite lunch, least favorite lunch, and a lunch they would like to see changed. Eventually we chose pizza because it appeared on all three lists. Then my Program Advisor, Ms. Bell, and I met with Nutrition Services to discuss the results and our thoughts. They were excited to work with us and help get the new pizza on the school menu.

Another student survey followed to find out what vegetables my classmates would like on their pizza. Nutrition Services made a recipe from the results of the survey and suggestions of our FUTP 60 group. Nutrition Services chose the name “Alice’s Veggie Pizza,” and it was introduced throughout all public schools in our area with a taste test last spring.

I’m named for my grandma, who was a great cook, so I think that’s pretty cool! “Alice’s Veggie Pizza” will be served as a regular lunch item about once a month. I even got be interviewed on the local news!

State Ambassador
6th Grade

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