Reporting from the Fuel Up to Play 60 field in Arizona! When I think of FUTP 60 I think of leadership opportunities, eating healthy and being active. I just had the best opportunity to showcase FUTP 60 at the NDB/NMPF/UDIA Joint Annual Meeting in Arizona.
You might be asking, what did you do there? I informed hundreds of Dairy Farmers about Fuel Up to Play 60 and what our program is about and the positive impact it is making on kids. I shared success stories from my schools, community and past Student Ambassador Summits. I also talked about the types of dairy my school serves for breakfast and lunch. Hearing feedback from the Dairy Farmers I learned not every farmer knew about our program. After talking to them they loved what we were promoting and all the support we gave to Dairy Farmers! I also learned the food corporations are making a positive change with nutrition! For example, McDonald’s has a new Frappe coffee drink coming out soon that is sealed and has a shelf life of 9 months, once open 7 days in the fridge with 40% more real Dairy and it costs $2.00. Plus, they stopped using margarine and now use real butter.
I met some passionate Nutritional Scientists that are working hard to help food corporations understand the importance of real food for all of us. Just another cool day out in the field being a FUTP60 Student Ambassador!
8th Grade