Winter. Most people think of it as a season where everything is colder and nothing gets done. As most of you know already, there’s no season to stop fueling up! Here is a few things to do if you have a snow day, late start, or a break of some sort!

The first thing that I always want to do while it’s winter and school is not going on, for whatever reason, is to make a healthy breakfast! For example, the last snow day that I had in New Hampshire, I made whole wheat pancakes with pineapple, which fueled me up enough to go outside shovel my driveway and even build my very own FUTP 60 snowman (which I named Francis Umbridge Timmy Paine the sixtieth). When there’s no school, there’s even the time to make your very own breakfast recipe!

One of the things that is always on my list on a day off is going on the Dashboard on While we all go on it at our FUTP 60 team meetings, going on it on a day off is something you should always do! In fact, it’s how I got to be a FUTP 60 Ambassador in the first place, and led to amazing things like the 2016 Student Ambassador Summit!  On the days I have off, I always did the Challenges and logged anything that I’ve done for a while, and haven’t reported yet. Using those snow days, I gained Points until I had enough to go and apply to the Summit, and the rest is history!

The last big thing to do is to go outside. Whether it’s snowing, cold, or warm, always get outside on a day off from school. It does not have to be the entire day, just 60 minutes of activities. Invite friends or siblings to come out with you and make more fun out of the time outside!

Those are some of the things I always love to do on a winter day off. If you have your own preferences, make sure to put them down in the comments! Have an awesome rest of the winter!


Summit Ambassador
New Hampshire
8th Grade

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