Recently, I have been working out in my back garage. I could use the fitness time, and so could my brother. I know I need to go out there a few times a week. We are lucky to have a treadmill, light weights, and floor space to do sit ups and other exercises.  Especially in the winter when we don’t get much outdoor time, it is important to still challenge ourselves to stay active. It would be so easy to stay inside, eat, and play video games but, I know (thanks to the Fuel Up to Play 60 program) that this is not best for me or for anyone. So for this reason I drag my brother out with me.

The other reason I go out there is to get ready for the season coming up. For me this includes track (the running workouts) and baseball (the weights and other exercises)​. I am feeling good about myself knowing that I am going to be stronger and faster for the upcoming season. If you are bored during the winter season, and just don’t know what to do, try simple workouts at home. You don’t need much space to do pushups, sit ups, jumping jacks, or even jogging in place. There are lots of resources, and videos online to give you ideas on how to make it fun. My brother and I listen to music while on the treadmill and try to beat our last personal best time each time we run.

Good Luck and Stay Active!


State Ambassador
7th Grade

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