Hello Ambassadors! I am now a freshman in high school, and my schedule has been packed between homework, sleep, marching band, and everything else. But this past month I got the opportunity to help out those in need. The entire freshman class took a trip to a local charity organization, and they asked for volunteers to sort through goods.

Half of the class sorted through packaged razors, and my half was chosen to sort through massive boxes of tuxedo shoes and find pairs. These may seem like random things to sort, but I learned they were actually incredibly important. Dress shoes are a necessity when it comes to applying for jobs, and razors are personal hygiene items that not everyone has access to. So, for about an hour and a half, I sorted through boxes and boxes of shoes for pairs, and in the end, found 73 pairs of shoes! It would have taken the 3 other people there hours to find that many. We found a total of 583 shoes that day.

Community service is good for everyone, whether you need the goods or you are sorting through them. You learn a lot from something as simple as tying shoes together. So during the rapidly approaching holiday season, remember to take some time to help others.

Have a lovely day!


National Ambassador
9th Grade

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