To celebrate the third birthday of Let’s Move!, they want to hear what families like yours do to stay healthy and active. What would you ask or tell Let’s Move! about being healthy as a family? Share your thoughts in the comment section!

Want to know something really cool? You could actually get the chance to ask Let’s Move! yourself!! If you’re 13 or older, visit the Let’s Move YouTube channel and submit a video or text entry explaining a bit about you, what your family does to stay healthy and submit a question that you want to ask. Hurry and get your question in by this Thursday, Feb. 28! Since we know you stay active and healthy with Fuel Up to Play 60, we know you’ll have plenty to share!

17 Responses

  1. Ciera McDonald

    Tommorow is my birthday and I am getting excited.I am turning 12 years old this year.And I have many years to go to stay healthy and fit.

  2. theodore postel

    i will dedicate a long time to participate in these abstract ways to stay fit for years. maybe my nephew frankie will i will try to make him.if he likes it he will do it for about a decade!

  3. TheCroyFamily

    As a family we stay healthy by preparing most of our meals at home and using MyPlate as a guide. We also make sure we stay active by logging daily activity minutes together. Dog walks, bike rides, and dance breaks are some of our favorites. We would like to ask Let’s Move! and Mrs. Obama, “How can we encourage more restaurants to offer healthy,complete(MyPlate-based) meals on the kid’s menu? When and why did it become acceptable for macaroni and cheese alone to become a complete meal on the kid’s menu? Where are the veggies and fruit?”

  4. collinator

    April 20th is my birthday! Im going to be 8yrs old. I love to ride my bile and am trying to learn tricks!

  5. isabella

    i am turning 13 soon. every day i think about all the new things that can happen and has happened to me since…i was born…..i love my life you you guys should toooo


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