My dad works on our family dairy farm. I guess the best way to describe my dad’s job is that of manager – although he really does so much more! He works very hard every single day, so it’s a good thing he loves what he does. My dad has to make sure the cow milkers are doing their job and that everything in the milk barn is running ok. He also helps our herdsman (he is the person that watches over the herd of cows). On Sundays my dad gives our herdsman the day off so he can spend it with his family – and my dad is herdsman for the day. He really cares about all the people that work on our farm.

My dad does a lot of jobs on the farm. The health of our cows is important and my dad makes sure they are healthy and he even helps the veterinarian when he is on the farm. My uncle also works on the farm and is responsible for feeding the cows. My dad makes sure that my uncle is giving the right amount of feed to the cows. That’s a very important job. If my uncle is not there – my dad handles the feeding of the cows as well! My grandpa is responsible for moving the feed (transporting it) and if he isn’t available – my dad or brother will move the feed. This is my favorite part – pushing or moving the feed. I love helping my dad because we have a new tractor and I get to drive it! The work doesn’t stop there! My dad fills the free stalls (this is where the cows lay), levels the free stalls, turns manure and checks it (which we are doing in the pictures), moves compost, cleans the pond, and so much more!



Even when we go places as a family it seem like my dad is still working because he is always checking in. It is really hard on him when we are gone and he has to manage without us.
As you can tell, working on a farm is not easy. It is a job that takes a lot of hard work and dedication. My dad works really hard and I admire him and am very proud of him. Happy Father’s Day!
California State Ambassador
7th Grade

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