I am excited to share my experience this summer at Moo at the Zoo, an event engaging with children and families who were interested in learning more about where our food comes from. When you go to the zoo, you certainly expect to see zoo animals – but dairy cows, that is something special! 

Moo at the Zoo is an annual event at the Henry Doorly Zoo in Omaha, Nebraska that highlights dairy cows and dairy farming.  There are 6 different breeds of dairy cows that zoo visitors can touch and pet, and dairy farmers are available to engage and answer questions.  It was an amazing experience interacting with the people that came through our booth.  I enjoyed helping the dairy farmers share their story with others, and I enjoyed sharing with visitors about the important nutrients found in dairy products that they eat and drink daily. I also really enjoyed the cows that the dairy farmers brought for the event.

It was amazing to me how many people had never seen a cow before or had the chance to get up close and personal.  It gave people that came through a visual of where the milk comes from behind the many dairy products that they love.  In addition to the cows, dairy farmers and ambassadors engaged zoo visitors with a scavenger hunt which challenged visitors to find items at the zoo that you might also find on a dairy farm like water, sand, cooling fans, misters, and animal feed. 

This was an amazing experience to be a part of. Hope to see you all next year at Moo at the Zoo!

Youth Council Leader
9th Grade