Let’s just get right to the point: am I the only one who has a love/hate relationship with school? Sure, summer is all fun and games (as well as all that summer work), but eventually, you (or at least I do) become a little bored and drowsy with sun and can’t wait to go back to school. I love the feeling of a newly sharpened pencil in my hand, especially when I’m using it to jot down new ideas. But that’s only a small portion of what I am most excited for this upcoming school year. Here is my new motto as I start my freshman year:


Ah yes, the mantra, that I believe, we should all live by. Maybe I should switch up my breakfast? Learn to catch a football better? I am really looking forward to participating in clubs the most, though. My top priority is Student Council, with the aim of helping others and meeting inspiring new people. That’s what Fuel Up to Play 60 is all about for me, helping others whether it be by showing how exercise can be fun or showing that healthy foods can actually taste good (Note: Spinach is not that bad).

But what I am MOST excited about as school is about to open its doors wide open is starting a NEW Fuel Up to Play 60 chapter at my very own high school! The chapter is taking baby steps, but it is something I hope my school will help nurture together.

Since I’m absolutely pumped up on trying new things, I decided to make a little video showing one way that you can start your (future) school day off right in the morning!

What do you think of the video? Let me know about your own favorite healthy breakfast in the comments below or let me know what you are most looking forward to about school! If you have never posted a comment for The Huddle, now is your time to try something new!

Note: The featured video reflects the opinions and thoughts of the student writer. Fuel Up to Play 60, USDA, NFL and other affiliated parties do not endorse or promote any brand represented in the video.

5 Responses

  1. Bobby Sena

    Kimberly, what a creative way to showcase your favorite choice for breakfast. Your brother is funny and cool to help you test taste. I like the ingredients, very simple. I love bananas so this was really neat. I will share your recipe at my school. Thank you. My favorite breakfast choice is a bowl of oatmeal with milk, raisins, strawberries, bananas, and grapes. I also like yogurt and a banana with milk on the go especially before an early morning football game because I have to keep it light. I began school on Monday and I was most looking forward to meeting my new teacher and telling her about my summer at the FUTP 60 Summit. I was also excited to kick off this new school year with the FUTP60 club and all that we are going to this year.
    Keep being cool!

  2. Topanga Sena

    My new favorite breakfast choice is the Quaker Whole Hearts cereal. It is so good and I haven’t been able to stop eating it . Normally, I enjoy eating a bowl of fruits that include strawberries, pineapples, grapes, and oranges. If I am in a rush I can eat a ton of Cuties tangerines and string cheese.
    I am looking forward to implementing the FUTP60 program in our school. My school currently only has one student enrolled- me. I created a power point presentation and next week I have an appointment to present it to my principal. I know she will say yes! I can’t wait to kick off the program at my school and watch it grow. My brother is having so much fun at his school and I get to help him outside of school.

  3. dezy299

    mannnn…….i wish school was still out like my summer was amazing like getting up when u want n eating wat u wnt wen u want but noooo not during school u hve to get up to catch the bus eat breakfast and be to school by nine….I MISS POMPANO BEACH MIDDLE!!!….nw thats where itz at duhhhhhhhh


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