January 9, 2015 will be a day that I will never forget. It was the day that my mom told me she had been diagnosed with cancer. It has been over a year since that day. I would like to share a few thoughts about my year with you and relate them to FUTP 60.

First of all, hearing your mom say she has cancer is probably one of the worst things you can hear. Even though my mom was full of fear herself, she was ALWAYS positive, and she encouraged me and my family to do the same. My first suggestion to you would be that when trials come your way in your FUTP 60 path, STAY POSITIVE!


My sister and I designed bracelets to show support for my mom. Many of our friends and family also wore the bracelets. The top of our bracelets say SNOOKSstrong. The bottom of our bracelets say Kickin’ Cancer Together, and on the inside, it says ONE STEP AT A TIME.

SNOOKSstrong: This phrase became our motto. Being SNOOKSstrong has many components. I would like to share a couple of those with you. Being SNOOKSstrong means doing things that need to be done…even if those things are really scary and hard. Being SNOOKSstrong also means giving it your all, even if you feel like you don’t have anything left to give.

This year definitely pushed our family to the limits at times, but we did our best to stay STRONG. I encourage you to do the same. When your FUTP 60 goals push you to your limits and it becomes hard to stay focused, give it all that you’ve got and do what it takes to get your job done.


Kickin’ Cancer Together: Kick is an action word and that is exactly what you need to do! Take action! Together is a HUGE word with a lot of power. I didn’t think I needed the support of others when my mom was diagnosed. Boy, was I wrong. I think a lot of times as FUTP 60 leaders we try to do too much on our own, but you will have more of an impact if you work together with your team. Take action towards your FUTP 60 goals TOGETHER!

ONE STEP AT A TIME: My mom was very overwhelmed when she heard everything she would have to do to fight the cancer. My dad told her we would take it one step at a time. That is great advice for you as you are trying to reach your FUTP 60 goals. It can be overwhelming, but just remember to take it one step at a time, even if those steps are baby steps.

Stay positive! Be strong! Take action together! Take it one step at a time! P.S. after five months of chemo, 33 radiation treatments and 2 major surgeries, my mom is considered to be cancer free! We feel very blessed!

Wishing you the best in your FUTP 60 endeavors!

Youth Council Member
12th Grade

9 Responses

  1. Jaclyn, Idaho Dairy Council

    Thank you Hunter for sharing your story and leading FUTP60 in Idaho! You and your family are an inspiration to us all!

  2. Colleen McHeard FUTP60 Advisor NY

    Hunter I really enjoyed meeting you at the Summit in Chicago. Thank you for putting experience into FUTP60 language. You and you family will be in my prayers for a,lifetime of being cancer free.


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