I think it’s really important to have programs like Fuel Up to Play 60 that focus on healthy eating and physical fitness at school because students don’t always have the time or opportunity to be healthy at home.

Since implementing school wellness initiatives at my school, we’re already seeing positive changes. The Fuel Up to Play 60 team reaches out and educates the other students about what healthy food choices are available and why to continue to make these choices on an ongoing basis. Students used to pass over healthier options at lunchtime and fill up their trays with cookies and chips instead. Now, I’m seeing students choosing fruits and vegetables in the lunch line. And compared to last year, less milk is going to waste.

They’re making other healthy changes, too. In PE class, instead of just standing on the sidelines and watching a handful of students participate, more students are joining in and getting active. I’m becoming more active, too. I never used to be very active, but I’m now involved in sports like volleyball and soccer and overall, I feel like I have a healthier lifestyle.

Since becoming the Kansas State Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Ambassador, I’ve noticed other changes about myself, too. Being the Student Ambassador means that I’ll have several opportunities to talk in front of a lot of people throughout the year, telling them about the importance of making healthy choices. Since becoming the Student Ambassador, I’ve become less shy about public speaking and I’ve also become a better leader.

My favorite part of being a Fuel Up to Play 60 Ambassador is coming up with ideas for healthy events at school and figuring out how to make them happen. For example, one idea we recently came up with is a Fuel Up to Play 60 dance off to get more students active and to have fun doing it! That’s taking place later in the school year and students are already looking forward to it.

It’s been a lot of fun getting to share my excitement about making healthier choices with my fellow students. Together, with the rest of the Fuel Up to Play 60 team and the other students, I can’t wait to see all of the changes we have yet to make!

Kansas State Ambassador
7th Grade

4 Responses

  1. mamabird15



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