You must work hard to be good at what you do, right? Well, I have to work hard to be active. I have a bone/muscle problem called Osgood-Schlatter Disease. Lots of growing kids have this problem, which is basically that their bones are growing too fast and their muscles are lagging behind. For us, we must be extra careful to stretch and make sure we don’t hurt ourselves.


I am a very active person, staying still is hard for me. I am a track runner and I swim on a team. Once because I hadn’t stretched enough, my knees ripped during my seasons apart. I got mad, I was mad at myself for being hurt. I must do physical therapy every day and stretch a lot if I want to keep being active. If I don’t do it I hurt myself very easily, so I do tons of stretching in my free time.

It helps that Fuel Up to Play 60 teaches students how a healthy life is a better life. I hold myself to eating right and doing at least 60 minutes of activity a day. Having a Program Advisor to help plan events also makes it a lot easier and fun!

If you are very active or want to be a professional athlete one day, I advise these two things:

1. Stretch and eat right!

2. Do what you know is best for your body, not just what you feel like.

Missouri State Ambassador
6th Grade

3 Responses

  1. yaya

    Do a great job to be a state ambassador.And i will want to one to.

  2. Alaina

    Awesome! Anyone can be be a leader, you just need to give them a chance!

  3. Bruinsfan

    you are a great leader in my opinion. being a state ambassador can be tough, and i know it. keep it up. (:


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