I love the Fuel Up to Play 60 program! Some of the reasons I love being in the program are because I get to help teach kids who are younger and older than me about how to eat healthy, and I get to show them to always play 60 minutes a day  no matter what the sport, so that you can have a happier and healthier life. If you get involved with Fuel Up to Play 60 at your school, some of the things you get to do are the Presidential Fitness Challenge, taste test many new healthy breakfast choices for your school, run assemblies, and host hero breakfasts. It’s important to get involved in your school’s Fuel Up to Play 60 program because you can earn grants for your school, and you can apply to become a National or State Ambassador.

There are many benefits to being a Student Ambassador. For example, you are the leaders of school wide assemblies, and you gain leadership and teamwork skills that could help you in the future. One of the things I’m looking forward to as a National Ambassador is running my own Fuel Up to Play 60 club called SCORES, and to gain even more experience in running assemblies. This year’s Summit helped give me even more ideas to help my school’s program, and I look forward to an exciting school year with Fuel Up to Play 60.

Tony M.
National Ambassador
6th Grade

36 Responses

  1. kenzkenz24

    i luv this website it is great for kids go fuel up to play 60 good website kids should know about this

  2. beth

    its been cool so far and it really makes you want to be active and socail and really include youre self in whatever is avalable

  3. m1ner5p1ck

    ok video games are fun but this is something that brings games and much more to the next level and much more so keep it going!

  4. bobthegirllol

    I agree with all of u!!! its awesome being here and my friends think so too. Just yesterday, my friend said that “being on here has made me think more about what I eat”. it great, because he loves his twinkies, lol

  5. bobthegirllol

    btw tony, do u know how to get a ton of points, like 90000?

  6. alexistinkham1

    i love this website it makes me feel like im a better and happier person


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