Fuel Up to Play 60 has allowed us to think of many ways to become creative with our physical activities and healthy eating. Some things we have done are a bingo sheet to do something physical or eat healthy for a certain amount of time. Plus we gave kids prizes for getting a column filled out that had Fuel Up to Play 60 on it. Prizes included a wrist band, a pin or a “got milk” key chain. Also we did a milk mustache booth which was one of our prizes for the bingo sheet. We also had a taste test Friday that allowed kids to try healthy food. Some kids even asked when we were going to have frozen yogurt because we asked them if they would want to see it on the menu sometime and most of them answered yes.

We also have set up a committee that helps organize events or give ideas for how to get kids active or eat healthy. Our school held a football tailgate party, that gave us a chance to show our Fuel Up To Play 60 spirit. We had healthy food, decorations that showed what Fuel Up to Play is and how it works, and also had active carnival games and a flag/touch football game for the kids to play.

Another thing we are doing this year again is the bingo sheet but changing one of the prizes to playing Just Dance, an active/dancing video game to keep students pumped up. Continuously, we are planning on doing that every Monday when we play music during the middle of the day and students get up and dance to the music. We will be bringing back the taste test but it will be on Tuesdays instead of Fridays. We are planning out dances for after school so students will get be encouraged to be physically active.

Emma S.
Middle Grove Elementary

13 Responses

  1. jessica

    I THINK EVERY SCHOOL SHOULD HAVE HEALTHY FOOD.I like healthy food but school lunch just doesn’t taste good/healthy and many of my friends agree.

  2. jessica

    I am from MA we have fuel up to play 60 in my school,i pleaged to get active at leat 60 min a day.

  3. ally

    i like healthy FRESH fruit salads,brownies,real breakfast.in my school the pancakes taste really weird i can’t describe it.

  4. Auntie Jeanie

    God has given you a beautiful mind ! Keep looking up for the great ideas He has given you. Love in Jesus A. Jeanie

  5. Marianna Garcia

    You have encouraged your Aunt Mari to get active! Keep up the good ideas!


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