today 076So I just had the best pep rally ever! Before the pep rally, my Fuel Up to Play 60 committee and I worked all week to prepare for the best possible rally ever! We got tons of paper and paint and made posters and other stuff like cutting out each individual letter of #LoveOfPlay and had a crowd in the audience hold it up on our sign! On the day of the pep rally, we were decked out in our Fuel Up to Play 60 shirts and sports jerseys! We introduced the 7th and 8th grade football teams, the 8th grade volleyball team, and the 7th and 8th grade soccer team! We also had the cheerleaders put on a jaw-dropping performance, and I mean JAW-DROPPING! We had everyone excited and crazy about the pep rally and I think you guys will be seeing some awesome #LoveOfPlay craze and pictures on social media from our school and your school soon!

IMG_2763To wrap everything up, a pep rally at your school is a great idea to get everyone pumped and spirited! Some tips I might have are make sure you show off all the spirit you guys have by going all out, introduce all your sports teams or clubs, and have fun!

Hope to see tons of spirit from all of you!

Missouri State Ambassador
7th Grade

28 Responses

  1. Chargers

    Yes I got sprite this whole program inspires me and even Halloween all I want to say right now is feul up and have a good hallaween and fuel up to play 60

  2. Fifth

    Wow! This pep rally sounds like real fun, I am sure I would want to go to it to. It must be real JAW DROPPING!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Samantha

    I love your smile and the best part of your body is that it is not a big deal but it is the best part of your body


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