In March, a new report was released highlighting how eating healthy and getting active can positively affect your work in the classroom. Check out the student summary and read what two Student Ambassadors, Izma and Emma, had to say about The Wellness Impact!

From Izma K.:
The Wellness Impact is a report that helps administrators as well as students understand the true importance of staying fit and active. It emphasizes how necessary it is for kids to pursue a healthy lifestyle. Everyone knows that a healthy body contains a healthy mind; therefore it is important to rethink our dietary needs.

The report points out that children spend a lot of time in school. Therefore, places like schools must have healthy environments. In this way, children will have the opportunity to thrive in school both academically and physically.

The Wellness Impact also stresses that taking small actions can really benefit you and kids around you. Doing things like taking a walk or eating breakfast at school can help your brain and body.

Every little thing that you do to improve your school will not only help you but also your peers. So why not put in a little extra effort to develop your school. You will just be making it better for the next generations to come!

From Emma B.:
The Wellness Impact includes an in depth look at how one’s brain is impacted by nutrition and physical activity and addresses the potential price tag that poor health can play on one’s life, analyzes school wellness, and urges schools to make positive changes for their students.

From a neurological point of view, health is important because physical activity and nutrition impact our brains. The facts presented in the report are truly interesting. In recent years, the state of school wellness has changed. Although Congress enacted new policies directed toward school health, there are still a substantial number of school wellness policies that are not up to par. Schools, however, are getting over the hurdles blocking a healthier classroom by relying on programs and dedicated leaders to guide the way.

Because many schools are so far behind the wellness initiative, schools are getting creative to add wellness into the day. Lack of time, money, leaders, and tools cause school wellness to be put on the backburner. Recently, however, students, teachers, and community leaders have been thinking outside of the box to make healthier schools. Programs like Fuel Up to Play 60 are giving these leaders the resources they need to make lasting change.

The report also highlighted the importance of getting a healthy breakfast. I know that when I eat a healthy breakfast, I have enough energy to pay attention, enthusiasm to participate, and I can remember the answers with ease.

Being an advocate for health is so rewarding because I know the work that I do is going to help kids across the country. I want to beat the prediction that my generation will be the first not to outlive our parents, and I can do that by ensuring that health starts in the classroom. The Wellness Impact gives me and other health enthusiasts the best resource to share the news that wellness can and should begin in the school.

One Response

  1. Kylie K

    Thank you, Emma and Izma, for a great review of the Wellness Impact! I hope that many kids will read this and think about the importance of their health and their education. All of us kids could learn so much more at school if we make healthy food choices and get moving.


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