Fuel Up to Play 60 has definitely inspired fitness in our school. For instance, to kick off the school year, everyone signs a wellness pledge poster in the cafeteria saying that they will try to have healthy habits.

Every day we have a 15 minute recess. Before, people used to stand around and talk and there wasn’t anything to do. Now, our school has put up a basketball hoop and Ga-ga court, and has supplied footballs, jump ropes, basketballs and tennis balls. The most common game to play is Ga-ga, which is a dodgeball-type game played in an hexagonal shaped court. In one game there are usually 15 to 25 people playing at a time, and sometimes there are up to 30 people.

We also have indoor activities. We have a fitness room and The BMS (Bath Middle School) Game Room. The fitness room has work out equipment such as weights, cardio machines, Wii sports and dance games, and game bikes. It is open every day after school. The BMS Game Room is full of games like ping pong and air hockey tables. The game room can hold a whole class and is used for rewards and class parties.

Every day after school there is also a snack cart that sells healthy snacks like smoothies and trail mix. This is used as an alternative to going up to a local corner store and buying snacks before sports practices. Our school has a lot of spirit, and we channel it by doing activities like a healthy spirit week, meeting our local milk mascot, Oakie, and doing a milk mustache photo booth during lunch.

Fuel Up to Play 60 has also brought our school together. We have school-wide assemblies where we participate in healthy activities. We have had professional football player Lamar Mills come and talk to our school about goals and how to be our best by eating right and getting exercise. We had a Guinness World Record-holder jump roper come and do a workshop. In conclusion, Fuel Up to Play 60 has definitely changed our school for the better and I have seen an improvement in our school’s participation in healthy activities.

Noa S.
Bath Middle School

3 Responses

  1. jyra

    My school Laplace Elementary fuels up too by having sports like basketball, cheerleading, volleyball, softball and baseball. Those physical sports help your body feel better and if your kind of fat your body will lose it if you eat the right food and go to practice everyday.

  2. Music Lover

    I am trying to get CARRIAGE HILL ELEMENTARY to get fit by getting equipment too. 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉 😉


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