Fuel Up to Play 60 inspires fitness and better nutrition in my school because we host assemblies to get the kids pumped! We have a lot of fun activities and challenges during the assemblies. All of the kids at my school can participate and have a great time. We have to have two fruits or vegetables for lunch every day and the breads are whole grain. We get a recess after lunch to go outside and play in the sun. If it’s too cold or raining, we go to the gym to have recess. All in all, our Fuel Up to Play 60 team really tries to get the kids in my school excited about eating healthy and exercising daily for at least 60 minutes every day.

Jessica K.
Donald L. Pavlik Middle School

3 Responses

  1. Martha Powelson

    We are really proud of the leadership Jessica has demonstrated as part of our FUTP-60 team. She is a “veteran” team member and has a positive, “can-do” attitude that has influenced her peers over several years, getting them excited about eating wholesome foods and moving at least 60 minutes per day.

  2. Deb Goffnett

    The FUTP 60 assemblies are always something that my homeroom and I look forward to and enjoy. We love the energy and the enthusiasm you display. Awesome job to the whole group!!


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