As everyone heads back to school, Fuel Up to Play 60 asked Rhett: How can you get classmates excited about Fuel Up to Play 60?

His response:

I’d like to do a slideshow to show kids different activities to stay fit and stay healthy. We could take pictures of the sports we play in our school, the healthy foods we eat, and the activities that we play outside. Many of my classmates could be in the slideshow. This would allow students to be a part of the Fuel Up to Play 60 plan. They could be a part of the slideshow and look forward to the positive outcomes that come with it.

8 Responses

  1. Bobby Sena

    I think guest speakers about different health topics excites kids to participate. A school garden this year is a big hit. Freebies is always successful. Taking pictures of students with their milk mustaches is fun!

  2. Topanga Sena

    This will be the first year at my school and I’m going to make it competitive because middle school students love competitions! They love to be highly competitive!

  3. Miss. fitness

    you guys made a good slide show my school have did alot of things but were working on a fitness dance or a slide show hope u like it because i liked yalls


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