Success is measured and defined differently by everyone. In order to achieve success, you must first define what success is to you by writing down your goals and dreams. After you have determined what is important to you, you must take action. My own personal definition of success is being able to never give up in anything I do, regardless of the outcome. In order to achieve success I noticed that I have to be positive and have the ability to overcome setbacks. In my own personal experience, success has been a journey. I have been able to accept that mistakes and setbacks have helped me learn how to move forward to achieve success. Success to me is giving my 100% in everything I do by being determined and always trying to learn. I believe that in order to achieve success you must stand out above the rest by being different, being yourself, and liking yourself. I play tackle football and everyday I show up to practice or a game I take action to be part of a sport that I enjoy. I feel successful, regardless if the other team wins or I get benched. I took action! When I was selected as the Fuel Up to Play 60 Florida State Ambassador, I felt that I had achieved success because I took action to apply and be part of our school’s club. Being acknowledged for the dedication I put into the goal of bringing awareness to the program made me feel excited and I knew I had reached a level of success. Being able to achieve success also requires the support and help of others. I would not be able to be part of Fuel Up to Play 60 if it wasn’t for my great program advisor, principal, and teachers that work together each day. I think that the great football coach Vince Lombardi sums up achieving success best when he once said,”The price of success is hard work, dedication to the job at hand, and the determination that whether we win or lose, we have applied the best of ourselves to the task at hand.” So today I challenge you to take action and achieve success by doing what’s important to you.

9 Responses

  1. Topanga S

    I have learned a lot about success. I have had success in what comes naturally to me and not too much in areas that I need to improve in. It’s not fun taking it on, but it’s the only way to reach success. I agree Take Action! If you don’t try, then you’ll never know what your capable of.

  2. ROB

    I challenge myself all the time to be successful. You have to, otherwise life would be boring. I always say, “Don’t talk about it, be about it.”
    Great job Robert!

  3. TAMYA G.

    I really agree with you Robert (Bobby) S..


    # team healthy foods#

  4. Jonathan Gembarski

    My dreams are to be on a cross country, swim, and track, team in middle and high school

    cool chiz

  5. Jonathan Gembarski

    my school is Orchard Middle school and I am an ambassidor for my school. I am trying to be a national ambassidor and to support my school. I got inspired to be an ambassidor because my brother is a big sports person and is my role model. I know I said I wanted to be a Cross country runner, Swimmer, and Track runner but i think being an ambassidor is a good start

  6. Kylie K

    I totally agree, Bobby! Thank you for a great reminder! Success requires hard work and sacrifice. Success doesn’t always mean we win the game or competition! It means we have done our best to work towards a goal. The support of those around us is so important – friends, teachers, family – we are all given so many opportunities every day. It’s up to each of us to determine what we want and work towards those goals. Success is not just given to anyone. Success requires action – Take Action!

  7. boden

    I love your paragraph about success and one day I will try to be successful myself. when I read your paragraph I thought to myself to become really good at something and be successful at something.


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