My school has our own Fuel Up to Play 60 committee and we meet every Thursday. We got the Fuel Up to Play 60 team together when we won a grant to make a walking path at our school. Our school nurse wanted to do more things like getting people healthy and doing Plays, so she helped form a student-run committee in cooperation with our Fuel Up to Play 60 principles.

This time one of the main things we talked about in our meeting was having a “Snack Cart”! We are buying a cart that is basically a cold cart. We put ice in the middle of a small fridge along with food. Now, we don’t have many ideas other than ice cream, chocolate milk, and yogurt. Do you guys have any suggestions? (If so, could you leave them in the comments section?)

With the food in the cart, we will push it around the school after school to all the clubs while incorporating Fuel Up to Play 60 and healthy eating so people can have a healthy snack of their choice! Our Program Advisor is really nice and is helping us this idea and to buy the stuff we need.

Program Advisors help get people more involved and help with getting Plays to work out. The Program Advisor at my school is the one who also helped get me involved, but it’s our job as Ambassadors to help our peers as much as we can too. Let’s go PROGRAM ADVISORS!

Alaina M.
Youth Advisory Panel Member
6th Grade

11 Responses

  1. Pomeranian lover

    Why am I the only 1 that has actually posted a comment on this blog?!?!??!??

  2. Heaven

    You could include juices, fruits/ vegetables, or even smoothies if you want to make the smoothie and then put them into the little sample cups with a lid on top.

  3. amypuz1

    I go to the same school as the author of this post and I am super excited to get our snack cart! It is going to be so much fun to do things with it when we get it!


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