Stephen Huddle PhotoThe Breakfast Challenge was a way to inform kids why breakfast is so important to the human body. The Fuel Up to Play 60 committee at my school came up with a healthy new way to promote the reason “why breakfast is important”. We weren’t sure just how to do this, but then we thought why not have a challenge to create new healthy breakfast recipes? The idea was just perfect.

When we came up with the idea and announced it to the school, we only had three to four classes participating. Later we had more and more classes participating. Students from the committee started going around to classrooms and telling the teachers more details about the challenge. It took a while, but then the day that we had the actual challenge we had around 20 classes! The roadblock was a little harder to overcome than we thought, but we were able to overcome all together as a committee. Having around 20 classes participating made the challenge very fun!

There were so many types of food at the Breakfast Challenge – everything from casseroles to pumpkin muffins. All the food was so great. I was able to meet more great adults at the challenge. At the end of the challenge, all the judges were so full.

The Breakfast Challenge was just a great way to teach students and even teachers why breakfast is important. I hope you can try this in your school.

Ohio Summit Ambassador
6th Grade

16 Responses

  1. Bobby S.

    GREAT job Stephen!!! What a great way to believe in the program and really try to raise awareness. It sounds like everyone had a lot of fun! You’re AWESOME!

  2. carmen

    Maybe i should try a new thing like the Breakfast Challenge it sounds very cool. Always keep up the good work Stephan

  3. davidwolf

    that is an awesome idea maybe i can talk to my principal about that idea or something else

  4. Jerrry

    Nice job Stephen.Thank you for making a difference in healthy breakfast eating


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