Eveline Huddle Photo 1

This winter, my school held and participated in “Fitness Day.” Second, third, fourth and fifth graders got to participate in different physical activities. There were 18 different stations set up on the school soccer field. Some of the different activities used scooters, balancing pads, ball and scoops, hula-hoops, jump ropes, a parachute, pool noodles, hurdles, a rubber pig toss, a ball toss, and a ladder run. Other activities just used your body for planking, push-up high fives, stretching, curl-up high fives, mountain climbers and high jumps.

My Student Team members and I were each leaders of a separate station and had a group of 5 students. The students only got so much time to complete the physical activity before moving on to their next station. During the fitness day, the mayor came out along with some of the board members from our school district. I had the honor of introducing the mayor, who spoke about the importance of physical activity. Once he was done speaking, the kids got back to doing the activities. The mayor then went around to most of the stations to see what the kids were doing and participated with them. All the students had smiles on their faces and were definitely enjoying themselves.

Everyone was having fun while doing something good for our bodies. We ended all the activities with a cool down and a little stretching. Then the students were taken back to their classrooms by the student leaders. The fitness day was obviously a hit and helped motivate the students to be active every day for 60 minutes or more. Our school is hoping to hold next year’s Fitness Day again!

Arizona State Ambassador
8th Grade

68 Responses

  1. Madison

    I think that is super cool and shows great leadership for your state. That’s an amazing idea and makes kids want to have fun and be active. The mayor being there made even more of a leadership action that you and your team did!!!

  2. UrFriend

    That is awesome! >0<
    I couldn't have been that confident and talk about doing an activity with everyone! That looks like a very playful activity. Keep doing a good job.

    Sincerely, UrFriend

    [Lol, but srsly do keep up with the good activities]

  3. Beezy

    I like what you said in there and I hope I can get in without any trouble so I have to go finish to getting in.

  4. nydia07

    That’s so cool! Sounds like fun. I wish my school would do something like that!

  5. alyssa

    I think this was such an actively from game . It looks like it got the kids energized. They also look as if they had fun. Love it

  6. Terrell Kennedy

    I think Fuel up to play 60 is a good thing for both kids and teachers because we want other people to be healthy and feel healthy.

  7. Abby

    That sounds like a lot of fun!!! I think I’m gonna ask my principle if we can do that. I won’t go home easy either. I may have to ask the school board. Anyways thanks for sharing your story.


  8. mtrack9

    Running is a lot harder than those, but that’s a good influence on kids who need physical activity! Running is the best way to stay active. I run 5 miles per day and do track. My best mile is 5:03! Good job, you guys did well!:)


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