Nadya Huddle Photo

When trying to make healthier changes in your school, turning to local businesses is always a helpful idea. Whether you are trying to get equipment or produce, businesses would love to help you create a healthier school environment.

The first step in contacting a business is making sure you have a plan set. You must make sure you know exactly what you want from the companies, the time frame, and what you are going to use their donation for. Have a certain goal in mind while trying to ask for donations.

The second step is to contact the business directly; you can go about this many ways. One way is to go to the local business’s location in person to ask for the donation. When going in person, make sure you ask to speak with the manager. Another way of going about this is calling the company on the phone. Again, you should ask to speak to the manager.

When asking for a donation, make sure you are polite and have the right intentions in mind. Businesses would love to help their community in any way they can. You should make sure you go over your plan and time frame so they know exactly what they are investing into. Also, make sure you have a realistic goal in mind and a predictable outcome. I recently contacted a product supply company and asked them if they could donate some of their blenders to my school. When I reached out to them I told them I wanted to start an after-school smoothie bar in my school to promote healthy living. They thought it was a great idea and that the kids could benefit from it in a big way. They gladly sent me two blenders, and in return I send them updates and photos about how the smoothie bar is doing!

With the help of a business, your goals can be accomplished!

New Jersey State Ambassador
8th Grade

9 Responses

  1. Bobby S.

    GREAT advice Nadya! All of your advice comes from your hard work. Congratulations on being such a great example for FUTP60!


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