In celebration of National Walk to School Day on October 7, my Fuel Up to Play 60 team and I organized two walks throughout that day at my school.
To get the word out ahead of time to students, staff and par...
Hey, this is Roddy, National Ambassador, and I wanted to give you some inspiration and ideas based on activities that I’ve worked on for Fuel Up to Play 60!
For our Physical Activity Play, we had a...
I have been involved with Fuel Up to Play 60 for three years, and it has given me many wonderful experiences. Fuel Up to Play 60 gave me the opportunity to become a leader on our school's leadership t...
At the Fuel Up to Play 60 Summit this year, I learned much more about Fuel Up to Play 60 and everything it stands for; especially that it is led by students themselves! It was amazing to see so many k...
Hello, my name is Katie, a State Ambassador from Pennsylvania, and I attended the 2015 Fuel Up to Play 60 Student Ambassador Summit in Chicago this year. I can't begin to say how much I learned at the...
Did you know that only 1 in 3 kids like us are physically active each day? To spread the word about the lack of physical activity in schools—and across the country—the Alliance for a Healthier Generation is lau...
I’m sure most people have heard by now that over the summer Fuel Up to Play 60 made some renovations and really cool new additions to the Fuel Up to Play 60 website! I’ve just recently had the chance ...
Student empowerment. To many, that can mean different things. At my High School, student empowerment came into play when our Program Advisor got moved to the school counselor and her plate started overf...
Even though a lot of people think going back to school is dreadful, you can make it fun by adding topics that will interest everyone. So me and a couple of friends got together and we came up with an ...
It all started back when I was still in 6th grade. Team members Gregory and Patrick had just moved into the Middle school, where they got with Mrs. Eyre to start a Fuel Up to Play 60 program, and when I moved u...
At the 2015 Student Ambassador Summit, students were given the opportunity to work with a TV director, writer and producer to make their own videos about Fueling Greatness in the Quaker Fuel Greatness...
During the school year, students receive healthy and balanced meals from their school cafeteria. When school is over, eating healthy shouldn’t end (just as learning doesn’t), and with summer feeding programs we...
This week, Fuel Up to Play 60 Summit Ambassador Cody had the opportunity to talk with NFL Hall of Fame running back Emmitt Smith, one-on-one about back-to-school advice, how he stays active with his k...
In a few short weeks, the familiar sound of the school bell will become a part of our daily routine. This summer has been a whirlwind but packed with a lot of memorable opportunities. The absolute highlight of ...
I'm sure most of the students who are reading this either participate in a Summer Feeding program, know someone who does, or have heard of one. For those who haven't, here is a quick explanation as to...