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My Love of Football

I love football! I love watching amazing players show off their talents on the field against another talented teams. It is amazing to watch their skil...
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Winter Fitness Day!

This winter, my school held and participated in “Fitness Day.” Second, third, fourth and fifth graders got to participate in different physical ac...
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Ambassador Breakfast Milk Mustache

I wanted to help boost my school breakfast participation. I met with my Program Advisors and we came up with the idea to do a Milk Mustache Booth. I w...
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Johnny Hekker Talks Teamwork

Fuel Up to Play 60’s Youth Advisory Panel meets over the phone every month to offer their thoughts, opinions and ideas for the program. Recently, they...
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Fuel Up to Play 60 Training Camp

Recently I attended a Fuel Up to Play 60 Training Camp at Paul Brown Stadium along with my Program Advisors, and also my mom (who is a new Program Adv...
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What I Am Thankful For

Thanksgiving isn't just a holiday to eat turkey; it is a holiday to be thankful for all the blessings you received this year. One blessing I am extrem...
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Learning to Grow with the Program

I have had many doors open for me and I am learning to grow with myself, others, and through leadership. Taking the time out just for a minute to talk...
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My Fuel Up to Play 60 Journey

Sometimes things happen right beneath our noses, they sneak up on you. At the time I didn’t quite realize the effect Fuel Up to Play 60 would have on ...