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Breakfast With The Browns!

Giving kids in my school district a little extra "incentive" to get up and get active, and of course log their activity on the Fuel Up to Play 60 webs...
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Be Active, Be Healthy!

After spending six hours in my classroom, I have just about reached my breaking point. With exams, homework, and class work, I no longer have the atte...
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State Ambassadors on The Chew!

On March 5, three state Fuel Up to Play 60 Ambassadors headed to New York City for once-in-a-lifetime event: taking part in a taping of ABC's The Ch...
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Raffles, Raffles, Raffles

Raffles are a great way to get Fuel Up to Play 60 started in your school. Not only do they provide a cool and fun incentive for students and teachers,...