I was recently cleaning out my family garden for the winter and decided to multi-task by exercising with the vegetables at the same time! Not only are...
When I was in 7th grade, I threw together an essay to help my school win a Fuel Up to Play 60 grant. I was barely a part of my school’s Fuel Up to Pla...
1. Get active by exercising while watching TV! During commercial breaks, instead of sitting on the couch, get up and start moving. Do some jumping jac...
Outgoing, confident, unreserved, humorous, powerful, lively: all words used to describe Fuel Up to Play 60 Program Advisor and U.S. Army veteran, Mrs....
This month, I gave a speech to almost one hundred important people such as a Senator, multiple CEOs, a local pediatrician, and the superintendent of a...
After getting back from this past summer’s Student Ambassador Summit in Chicago, I was fueled with ideas for the upcoming school year. So I got togeth...
I am a Student Ambassador at my middle school in Wisconsin. I live in a dairy state. We have a lot of farms. In the short six mile drive from my house...
I first got involved in my community by joining the service club at my school. We are currently helping the veterans in our local area by planning a s...
My reason for writing this blog is to say THANK YOU to four special teachers in my School District. I'd never be as active in Fuel Up to Play 60 witho...